Machakos Teachers College is a government institution under the State Department of Basic Education and Early Learning. Machakos Teachers College was started on 4th March, 1958 as a primary teacher training college with a population of 64 female students. In the course of the term, the college became co-educational when male teachers were transferred from Tumutumu college as it phased out training of teachers.
Training was centered on three categories of teachers. Teacher 3 (T3), Teacher 2 (T2) and Kenya Teacher 1(KTI) which was equivalent of P3,P2 and P1 respectively. The college continued training P1 and P2 teachers up to 1982. Since then the college has been training P1 teachers up to December 2020 when the course was phased out.
Miss A. C. Shrubsole a British citizen was the first Principal and the Chairman was Mr. K. M Cowley. In 1968, the first African Principal, Mr. P. G Kingori was posted to the college.
The college is ISO 9001:2015 Certified.